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Preguntas más frecuentes

Algunas de las preguntas frecuentes sobre el proceso que seguimos para el trabajo que hacemos. Si no encuentra el proceso en el que está interesado, no dude en contactarnos y estaremos encantados de brindarle la asistencia necesaria.

  • What type of plating is best for my parts and my application?
    It will depend on what you need your part protected from and the usage you will have of it. Metal finishing occurs in a wide range of industries, including aerospace, electronics, jewelry, consumer products, hardware and many others. Metal finishing is specifically used for the following purposes: - Greater corrosion resistance. - Increased surface thickness. - Increased strength and durability. - Enhanced appearance. - Increased solderability. - Improved electrical conductivity. - Increased electrical resistance. - Greater chemical resistanceIncreased potential for vulcanization — the process of converting rubber or polymer to more durable materials. - Increased surface hardness. - Improved adhesion. - Increased torque tolerance. - Greater wear resistance. Please check our Plating Advantages and Disadvantages for a better overview on needs.
  • What type of parts can Delta process?
    We can process almost any type of parts needed. We are the only ones in the area, that have a set of special tanks we can use for a variety of plating solutions that are 20 feet long.
  • How fast can I have my parts plated?
    Parts are plated as fast as needed. With an expedite fee, almost anything is possible. We have plated parts while the driver waited in the parking lot. We have plated parts on Christmas Eve when the customer needed them to get an airplane flying again. Anytime as soon as needed.
  • How can I find more details about the specifications ?
    All specifications for electroplating, whether military, federal, ISO, ASTM or SAE-AMS specifications, have an initial section that contains essential information to be supplied by the purchaser to the electroplater (us). You can also contact us in case you have more questions.
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